The world population is continuously increasing. The World Population Data Sheet predicts that by 2050, the global population will reach 9.9 billion. With the growing population, the demand for various resources, especially food, will also rise significantly, despite the limited availability of these resources. Moreover, changing and worsening environmental conditions make agriculture more challenging, not to mention the natural disasters that can hinder crop yields. Therefore, developing innovations to enhance agricultural efficiency and ease the work is essential. New innovations related to agriculture, known as ‘modern agricultural innovations’ (AGTECH) or Agricultural Technology, include:

1) Digital Agriculture – This innovation involves managing farms and agricultural industries using digital technology, known as ‘smart farming.’ It includes using computer systems for various tasks, such as automatic irrigation control and programs that analyze plant growth and regulate optimal conditions.

2) Agricultural Machinery, Robots, Drones, and Automation – This technology uses robots and drones to aid and support agricultural work. Examples include drones for spraying pesticides and fertilizers, drones for capturing images, and collecting and analyzing agricultural data.

3) Agricultural Biotechnology – This involves using technology derived from living organisms for agricultural applications, such as breeding for crop improvement, tissue culture for mass production of plant seedlings in a short time, artificial insemination, and embryo transfer.

4) New Farm Management Models – Examples include closed-system plant cultivation using artificial light and greenhouses that control optimal conditions for growing vegetables without depending on natural seasons.

5) Post-Harvest and Transportation Management – This technology helps reduce transportation costs, minimize damage, extend the shelf life of vegetables, and speed up the transportation of agricultural products from producers to consumers.

6) Agricultural Business Services – Platforms that connect farmers with agricultural service providers, making it easier for them to interact.
The aforementioned technologies and innovations make farming in the digital age easier, transforming traditional agriculture into smart agriculture. These developments continue to evolve, and in the future, we will likely see Thailand become the kitchen of the world or a sustainable food production source for the global population.
Source: nia.or.th
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