In the digital era, where website design and development have become crucial for businesses, designing a user interface (UI) that effectively bridges users with the system is essential. This includes placing images, buttons, or font sizes in an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly manner. But what if you’re a beginner programmer or haven’t studied design? How can you make your website attractive and eye-catching, as well as user-friendly? Here are some great tips for you:

  1. Light Comes from Above – Whenever light shines down, shadows should fall below. This technique is useful for designing buttons or areas that you want to appear three-dimensional.
  1. Start with Black and White – Designing in black and white first, then gradually adding color, helps simplify the creation of complex UI and allows you to focus on layout and spacing first.
  1. Double the Whitespace – Whitespace refers to the empty spaces around every element in your design. Modern web design trends emphasize simplicity and ease on the eyes. Adding more whitespace will enhance the overall appearance of your website.
  1. Make Text Stand Out on Images – There are three main rules: 1) The background image should be dark and have few contrasting areas, 2) The text should be white, 3) Test across all screen sizes to ensure readability.
  1. Vary Text Emphasis – Change the text size, color, weight, use of uppercase and lowercase, italics, and letter spacing to create emphasis and hierarchy in your design.
  1. Choose Appropriate Fonts – Fonts set the mood and tone of your design. Understanding the product you are designing for will help you select fonts that complement it well.
  1. Steal Like an Artist – Learning from and imitating others is one way to find your own style. However, you should not plagiarize others’ work. Frequent practice is another method to improve and develop your skills continuously.

By implementing and practicing these tips, novice designers can enhance their web design skills to create attractive and user-friendly websites. Creativity and seeking inspiration to improve your work are also essential. Additionally, don’t forget the importance of the backend system or user experience (UX), as UI and UX need to work seamlessly together.


If you want your business to reach online customers, create sustainable marketing results, we are happy to provide advice on how to make your business more recognizable. Contact us at 093 696 4498, Email:, Website:, Line OA:

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